Elevate your bridal look with our exquisite bouquet featuring 18 stunning menta roses. The soft special hue of the roses symbolizes new beginnings and harmony, making it a perfect choice for a wedding bouquet. Each delicate rose is carefully handpicked and arranged to create a lush and romantic arrangement that exudes elegance and beauty.
This bouquet is perfect for brides looking to add a touch of freshness and sophistication to their special day. Make a statement as you walk down the aisle with this enchanting bouquet that will captivate hearts and create lasting memories.
As all fresh flowers, fillers & foliage are seasonal, they are subjected to changes based on availability.
Our latest breezy looks just in time for summer. Just in time for more fun in the sun.
Try out all your favourite looks at our new flagship store in Encinitas, California.
Sun protection doesn't have to be a hassle — add a whole new layer to your style.